Purpose: To explore both impulse and momentum by using a system in which can examine both elastic and inelastic collisions.
Momentum = Mass * Velocity ( p=mv )
Impulse = Force applied * Time (J=F*t)
Impulse without any external forces conserves momentum thus allowing us to use
Impulse = the change in momentum = intergal of (F*dt)
We set up a metal cart on a track that when pushed alongst the track it would collide into a plastic cart positioned so that the spring and bumper in it bounces the metal cart back. We also set up a motion sensor on the other side of the track to record position and time information for us and also set up calculated columns for both velocity and Force on the cart. We then ran this expirement twice, once with only the cart and the second time with added mass
Once we took data we created both Velocity vs Time and Force vs Time graphs, focusing on the velocity before and after the collision. We then integrated the area within the part of the force graph where the collosion occurs.
Inelastic collision: For the second part of the experiment we had a very similar set up except instead of colliding with the plastic cart and bumber it will have a nail that will srick into a block of clay mounted to an upright wood with a base that wil be underneath the track itself.
We finally calculated the theoretical values each expirement had, by multiplying each mass by the change in velocity( Vafter - Vinitial ) it experienced due to the collision.
Conclusions: Comparing our Theoretical and Actual values for the impulse in each experiment we can safely agree with the theorem that impulse = the change in momentum an object experiences. Our data might be slightly off due to experimental flaws such as the cart experiencing a frictional force and slowing down on its own, but overall we now better understand how impulse, momentum, velocity and mass are connected in collisions.
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